Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Making Friends In a New City

Moving to a new city can be exciting, an opportunity to start life fresh and meet new and interesting people. The problem is that meeting new people can sometimes prove a challenge. Without a social circle, new cities can feel isolating and small. Whether before you move or after, it’s good to look at the resources the city has available to you when it comes to making connections. This may vary from city to city, but here are a few standards to keep in mind.

Use Your Built In Connections

Rarely do people move to a new city on a whim. Maybe you have an aunt or uncle who lives in the area, or an old friend from college. Maybe you’re moving for work, and you’ll have a new circle of coworkers. Whatever the case may be, if you want to make friends in your new home, it’s best to start with the familiar and move outward. If a group of coworkers goes out for drinks after the day and invites you to go, go with them. Ask a friend or family member where they would recommend going to meet new people. Soon as you take in more experiences, you’ll be able to branch out more and more.

Play to Your Interests

Meetup is a website that allows you to search for groups in your area based on common interests. For instance, if you’re a book lover, you might be able to find a book club. If you’re more interested in gaming, you can find a group dedicated to board games or video games. You can find groups dedicated to sports or trivia or simply a mixer of people interested in meeting others in the city. After all, the point isn’t just to meet people in your city. It’s to form actual connections, and what better way to do that than find people who are interested in the same things you’re interested in?

Check Out Local Events

It can be tempting to stay home when you’re in a city where you don’t know anyone. After all, settling in with Netflix and a bowl of pasta is more or less free. But if you want to make friends in your city, you really have to be willing to leave your bubble. Fortunately, social media platforms like Facebook have features dedicated to showcasing local events. If you’re on a budget, you can find events that are cheap or free. You can even, like Meetup, search for a specific kind of event in your city. You may also be able to look into local newspapers or magazines, or even online articles that list potential activities to enjoy in your new city. This is not only a good way to make friends in your new city but to become better acquainted with your city.

When you move to College Station, you’ll find a friendly community with an active nightlife and weekend activities to suit anyone’s interests. Talk to your College Station realtor today about not only finding the best home for you but making yourself at home in your community.

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