Tuesday, January 22, 2019

4 Things to Know About College Station Before You Move

When planning a move anywhere, it’s a good idea to do your research, especially if you haven’t spent much time there in the past. Even if you have relatives that live in the area and you’ve visited once or twice, you’ll want to acquaint yourself with the culture, the amenities, and what you can expect from your new home.

College Station is a wonderful place to move, whether for work or simply a change of scene. The home of Texas A&M University, there’s enough to do that things won’t get boring, but it remains laid back and friendly compared to larger cities. Here are a few things to know about College Station before you move.

Bryan? College Station? Both?

Once you move to College Station, you may start to hear the term “Bryan-College Station” or simply BCS. Bryan and College Station are technically separate neighboring cities, but they’re often lumped together to form one greater area. Those in Bryan often enjoy watching football games at College Station’s Kyle Field, and those in College Station will often stop over to Bryan for the farmers market or to see what’s going on downtown.

First Friday

Speaking of Bryan, one thing you’ll want to check out when you move to College Station is First Friday in downtown Bryan. Throughout the year, downtown Bryan is a center of culture and charm, full of cute cafes, restaurants, and shops. On the First Friday of every month, the streets are closed after hours and open to a night of live music, art, and an excellent opportunity to get to know your neighbors and local businesses. You may not need to go every month, but this can be a great way to help you get to know your new home.


There is public transportation in College Station, but it may not be the best decision to rely on it, depending on where you live. Most of the public transportation is centered downtown or in the college area, and the city and surrounding area are rather spread out. Most residents of College Station rely on their on personal vehicle. However, if you want to save gas during the work week or reduce your carbon footprint and you’re able to take the bus, this can be a great option.


College Station is ultimately a college town, so if you like to go out at night, you’ll find something for you here. There are a number of great restaurants, bars, and clubs in the heart of the city and students or young, single professionals often enjoy the Northgate District as well. However, College Station is home to a number of families, as well, and you’ll be sure to find family friendly amenities as well. The city offers a nice blend for a variety of demographics.

Want to learn more about College Station before your move? Make sure you have an experienced realtor from College Station who can tell you everything you need to know about the area. The more you know before you move, the sooner the city will start to feel like home.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

4 Things to Consider When Estimating Moving Costs

No one planning to move thinks that the cost will be easy. It’s one of the most dreaded aspects of moving, and the reason that moving can take months or years to plan. But when you’re planning to move, it’s best to have as clear an idea as possible of what the move will cost so you can budget accordingly. In fact, if your estimate has to skew one way or the other, it’s better to assume moving will cost more than it actually will. That said, the cost of your move varies based on a few different factors. Here are a few things to consider that will have an effect on your particular moving costs:

Distance and Location

One of the factors that will most impact the cost of actually moving is the distance. If you’re moving to a new neighborhood within your city, the mileage for the moving company will be reasonably low. If you’re moving across the country, on the other hand, your moving costs will be significant purely on the basis of traveling from point A to point B. Consider, also, the actual neighborhood into which you move. If you’re moving into the heart of the city, you’re more likely to have an expensive move, whereas affordable neighborhoods on the outskirts will allow you to save a little more.

Home Value

If you own a home already, chances are you’ll sell it before you move. The price you receive for selling that home will impact what you can spend on your new home, so your home value can be an important factor when it comes to your moving costs. This is why many homeowners planning to sell their home will take steps to update their home, boost their curb appeal, or stage it in an appealing way before moving, in hopes of receiving a greater ROI.

Size of the New Home

Are you moving into a studio apartment or a 3-story family home? This will make a difference not just in the cost of buying the home, but the cost to furnish and, to an extension, the cost of the movers. If you’re moving into a family home, for example, you’ll probably have more furniture and belongings that will need to be loaded into the moving truck, whereas a studio apartment is a smaller space and calls for more minimal living.

Moving Method

Many homeowners prefer to hire a moving company, and there are good reasons for this. It can take much of the stress off of the homeowner in terms of packing and moving. However, if you’re moving on a budget, know that hiring a moving company isn’t the only answer. You may be able to avoid the costs of a moving company if you have a friend who has a truck, but the further away you plan to move, the trickier it might be to arrange a ride for free. You can also consider renting a truck yourself, which will cost but not as much as hiring a moving company.

When trying to estimate your moving costs and develop a realistic budget, it helps to talk to someone who’s an expert in the area of buying and selling homes and can ensure that you get the best deal for your budget. Talk to an experienced, College Station realtor about what to expect from your moving costs today.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Making Friends In a New City

Moving to a new city can be exciting, an opportunity to start life fresh and meet new and interesting people. The problem is that meeting new people can sometimes prove a challenge. Without a social circle, new cities can feel isolating and small. Whether before you move or after, it’s good to look at the resources the city has available to you when it comes to making connections. This may vary from city to city, but here are a few standards to keep in mind.

Use Your Built In Connections

Rarely do people move to a new city on a whim. Maybe you have an aunt or uncle who lives in the area, or an old friend from college. Maybe you’re moving for work, and you’ll have a new circle of coworkers. Whatever the case may be, if you want to make friends in your new home, it’s best to start with the familiar and move outward. If a group of coworkers goes out for drinks after the day and invites you to go, go with them. Ask a friend or family member where they would recommend going to meet new people. Soon as you take in more experiences, you’ll be able to branch out more and more.

Play to Your Interests

Meetup is a website that allows you to search for groups in your area based on common interests. For instance, if you’re a book lover, you might be able to find a book club. If you’re more interested in gaming, you can find a group dedicated to board games or video games. You can find groups dedicated to sports or trivia or simply a mixer of people interested in meeting others in the city. After all, the point isn’t just to meet people in your city. It’s to form actual connections, and what better way to do that than find people who are interested in the same things you’re interested in?

Check Out Local Events

It can be tempting to stay home when you’re in a city where you don’t know anyone. After all, settling in with Netflix and a bowl of pasta is more or less free. But if you want to make friends in your city, you really have to be willing to leave your bubble. Fortunately, social media platforms like Facebook have features dedicated to showcasing local events. If you’re on a budget, you can find events that are cheap or free. You can even, like Meetup, search for a specific kind of event in your city. You may also be able to look into local newspapers or magazines, or even online articles that list potential activities to enjoy in your new city. This is not only a good way to make friends in your new city but to become better acquainted with your city.

When you move to College Station, you’ll find a friendly community with an active nightlife and weekend activities to suit anyone’s interests. Talk to your College Station realtor today about not only finding the best home for you but making yourself at home in your community.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Where To Have a First Date in Bryan-College Station

Getting to know someone you’re interested in can be an exciting time, but it can also be a nerve wracking time. This is doubly true if you’re still new to the area of Bryan-College Station. Of course, you can probably find a restaurant or go check out a movie wherever you are, but you want to make a good impression, which often means coming up with a more creative date. For that, you need to know the area a little better. Here’s your guide to great date ideas that are specific to Bryan-College Station.

First Friday

With friendly charm and a wide variety of shops and restaurants, downtown Bryan can make for an excellent date venue in general. However, if you want to really wow your date, check out First Friday. On the first Friday of each month around 5:30, downtown Bryan transforms. Street musicians start to play, artists show off their work, and local shops keep their doors open later. Around 8pm, the Palace Theatre has a live music show, so if your date is interested in art or music, this could be the perfect event for a date. You can do it all here, grabbing a bite to eat at a restaurant or from one of the street vendors, and then wandering around seeing the town. It can help you get to know both your date and the city of Bryan.

Picnic In the Park

A picnic in the park is a classic, and College Station has a number of parks to choose from. Central Park has both beautiful greenery and a tranquil pond that’s perfect for either fishing or simply enjoying the view. Around the holidays, Christmas lights go up, and it can be a nice stop after dinner to bring along a bottle of wine and dessert. Do you both have pets? Consider bringing your dogs with you to the University Dog Park. Lick Creek Park offers splendid views of nature, and you can get in some hiking while you’re there.

Take a Class

If you’re looking for a truly interesting first date that offers you a chance to get to know each other and to improve your own skills, think about taking a class together. You can learn to paint pottery at U-Paint-It or learn to cook together at Cook N Grow. Dance classes are always great for a budding romance, and you can find a number of different types of dance classes, from ballroom dancing to swing dance or even hip-hop. If you’re both health and fitness nuts, you could also consider taking a yoga class together.

College Station is a great place to find a fresh start, whether in your home, your community, or your love life. It starts, of course, with finding the right home.  For that, you need the help of an expert realtor who’s well-acquainted with the area and can help you find a home you can truly fall in love with.