Tuesday, January 15, 2019

4 Things to Consider When Estimating Moving Costs

No one planning to move thinks that the cost will be easy. It’s one of the most dreaded aspects of moving, and the reason that moving can take months or years to plan. But when you’re planning to move, it’s best to have as clear an idea as possible of what the move will cost so you can budget accordingly. In fact, if your estimate has to skew one way or the other, it’s better to assume moving will cost more than it actually will. That said, the cost of your move varies based on a few different factors. Here are a few things to consider that will have an effect on your particular moving costs:

Distance and Location

One of the factors that will most impact the cost of actually moving is the distance. If you’re moving to a new neighborhood within your city, the mileage for the moving company will be reasonably low. If you’re moving across the country, on the other hand, your moving costs will be significant purely on the basis of traveling from point A to point B. Consider, also, the actual neighborhood into which you move. If you’re moving into the heart of the city, you’re more likely to have an expensive move, whereas affordable neighborhoods on the outskirts will allow you to save a little more.

Home Value

If you own a home already, chances are you’ll sell it before you move. The price you receive for selling that home will impact what you can spend on your new home, so your home value can be an important factor when it comes to your moving costs. This is why many homeowners planning to sell their home will take steps to update their home, boost their curb appeal, or stage it in an appealing way before moving, in hopes of receiving a greater ROI.

Size of the New Home

Are you moving into a studio apartment or a 3-story family home? This will make a difference not just in the cost of buying the home, but the cost to furnish and, to an extension, the cost of the movers. If you’re moving into a family home, for example, you’ll probably have more furniture and belongings that will need to be loaded into the moving truck, whereas a studio apartment is a smaller space and calls for more minimal living.

Moving Method

Many homeowners prefer to hire a moving company, and there are good reasons for this. It can take much of the stress off of the homeowner in terms of packing and moving. However, if you’re moving on a budget, know that hiring a moving company isn’t the only answer. You may be able to avoid the costs of a moving company if you have a friend who has a truck, but the further away you plan to move, the trickier it might be to arrange a ride for free. You can also consider renting a truck yourself, which will cost but not as much as hiring a moving company.

When trying to estimate your moving costs and develop a realistic budget, it helps to talk to someone who’s an expert in the area of buying and selling homes and can ensure that you get the best deal for your budget. Talk to an experienced, College Station realtor about what to expect from your moving costs today.

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