Monday, October 17, 2016

Top 4 Tips For Newlyweds Shopping For Homes in College Station

Image Credit - scottchan

Two people getting married can be one of the most exciting times of their lives. This is an occasion for happiness and celebration. These days, people tend to get married a bit later in life than compared to couples a few decades ago. In many cases, the two newlyweds will have spent quite some time living on their own in apartments or rent houses before deciding to get married.

For this reason, couples who have recently been married may be very excited about real estate in College Station and Bryan, TX. Buying their new home may represent part of their new commitment to each other. Here are four of the top tips for newlyweds who are shopping for the perfect new home in College Station.

#1 – Stick To Your Budget

When newlyweds are shopping for their first home together, budget will be one of their biggest considerations. After all, they are probably looking at a fairly tight budget since they had to cover the costs of a wedding and a reception. Although they may get some help from friends and family, it likely won't be enough to cover the cost of a house that is outside of their budget.

There is nothing wrong with spending some time living in an apartment or a rent house while saving up money for a new house. Take the time to carefully plan how much you can spend before you start house shopping. Your College Station realtor can help you find houses in your price range.

#2 – Plan To Grow

Many newlywed couples are looking forward to welcoming some new additions to their family. They may be planning to have children or adopt fairly quickly. Newlywed couples should carefully plan how many children they would like to have to help them get an idea of how much room they will need in the coming years.

Keep in mind that couples will need more than just a spare room to accommodate new family additions. New babies almost always require a lot of extra space so couples should plan for extra storage space and even a garage for a family-sized vehicle.

#3 – Consider The Future

In very many cases, newlyweds will not stay in their first house for the rest of their lives. As they have more children, get new jobs and earn more money, they may want to move into a larger home or a different style of residence. For this reason, couples should keep in mind that they don't need to spend a huge amount on their first home since they will need to have some savings set aside for the next place.

Also, couples may be more comfortable in a slightly smaller residence if they are confident that they will be moving after several years.

#4 – Pay Attention To Location

Newlyweds who are planning to start a growing family will want to look for homes that are close to schools, daycares, churches and shopping centers. Young couples may also want to be sure that they are close to entertainment and dining locations. A home that is close to work is also something to look for.

A College Station realtor can consider all these factors and help newlywed couples find the perfect home for their needs. 

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