Wednesday, February 15, 2017

6 Tips to Increase Your Home Value Before You Sell

Photo by Stuart Miles

When you decide to sell your house, you may not know where to put your effort into fixing up your house. How can you spruce up your home to make it more attractive to buyers and bring in more money?  Here are cost effective ways to get your home ready to sell.
1)     Reduce Clutter
You can have a garage sale, or put your things in storage. Either way, emptying out your home of clutter makes the space feel bigger. It also gives the buyers a chance to imagine putting their own things in the home. Make sure to target your closets. Your closet should only be ¼ full so the buyer can see how much space there is.
Get personal photos out of sight and when it comes to décor, one handy tip is to remove any decorative items that are smaller than a basketball. Make a statement, but leave plenty of open space.
2)     Make minor repairs
Is the front gate squeaky or does it fail to close? Do all of your plumbing fixtures work?  Repairing what you can will get you through the inspection process a little better. Flaws found during the inspection are often viewed by buyers as an opportunity to renegotiate the price. Fix all of the little things the buyer or their inspector might notice.
3)     Maintain the landscaping
The first thing buyers see is the outside of your house and the front yard. If there’s a large untrimmed tree in the front It detracts from the beauty of your home and may even block the view. Trim your trees and hedges. Mulch is cheap. A couple of bags of neatly edged fresh mulch in the front garden or around the hedges can make your house look well cared for.
Trim back any vines or plants that look overgrown. Just like you don’t want a cluttered house, you don’t want a cluttered lawn.
4)     Make the front door and entryway welcoming
Impress buyers as soon as they step up to your doorstep. Make sure the porch is meticulously clean and modestly decorated. A large well-cared for potted plant can add beauty without detracting from the space.
Your front door should be as close to flawless as you can get it. You can add updated door handles along with a fresh coat of paint or varnish.
Then look at your foyer or entry. When the homebuyer walks in, they’ll make some decisions fast. You want them to fall in love, instantly. A clean, open entryway can make the house feel larger.
5)     Brighten the place up
Make sure the house is well lit. Change out light bulbs that are too dim and open the blinds. Lights should brightly shine in the rooms with the least natural light. It will make your home feel more inviting and cleaner.
6)     Check out the floor
Flooring can bring a good return on investment, and it doesn’t have to be expensive. Steam clean carpets, and repair your wood floor. Scratches in laminate flooring can be covered up with the right color marker. Make the floor look brand new. If you can’t make it look new, then consider getting new flooring.
Make sure you have a realtor working for you before you sell your house in Bryan-College Station. Your realtor will help you get the most out of your house in Brazos Valley.

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