Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Is it too soon the think about Christmas?

Image courtesy of Feelart at

The answer is no. Fall is just weeks away, which means December is right around the corner. There is nothing worse than having to spend the holiday break running around the Brazos Valley trying to get things ready for family and friends. Do you ever feel like the day came and went without really ever spending any quality time with anyone? Are you exhausted by the time Christmas arrives? Well, if you start planning and organizing now, you will have loads of time later that can be spent with loved ones.

Make Out Your Gift List – And Stick to It
Make out a list of family and friends you will be visiting with over the holidays. These are the people you should buy gifts for. For everyone else that you will not get to physically visit with, a beautiful handwritten card is a wonderful option. It will let them know you are thinking about them, but the added stress of finding a shippable gift is off your plate. In addition, once you make your list, think of it as written in stone. Try not to continually change your mind, as this defeats the purpose.

Knocking the Gifts Out Early
Do not wait for events like Black Friday and certainly not Christmas Eve. Keep the list you made close so that if you see something go on sale at any point you can purchase the item, wrap it, and mark it off the list. Getting your gift shopping done early frees up time to tackle other tasks later that cannot be completed sooner, such as Christmas Dinner.

Organize the Holiday
If you are the one hosting the celebration, you will want to be very organized to ensure you can enjoy the day. Purchase a wall calendar and write out everything you will need to do. For example, about mid-November, you will want to purchase and mail out Christmas invites (and those Christmas cards as well). You will want to write down that you need to purchase all the dinner ingredients at least a week or two before your event. If you do not have decorations and a tree, you will want to add this as a to-do in November.

As you can see, it is certainly never too soon to think about Christmas, so you can have the time to enjoy the day and reflect on its meaning.

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