Thursday, September 19, 2013

Can the Paint in your House Cause You to Lose a Buyer?

You would not think so, but certain paint colors in your house could scare away potential buyers. It seems like the new owners could just paint over the colors, but if someone is trying to imagine themselves in your home, then the paint can just throw them off. Let us look at some ways the paint can cause someone not to buy your home.

The exterior paint can be a turn off. Let us say the house is great, but the outside is pink with green shutters. This would give anyone pause, and the same goes for other strange colors you might not always see on a house. The inside can be just as bad as the outside sometimes, and it might even cause potential buyers to pass by the home because they cannot forgive the outside appearance. This is unfortunate because the inside could be amazing, but society will always judge a book, or house, by its cover.

Inside colors that are dark like black, can cause buyers to feel like the house is depressing and dark. At the same time, they do not want to see an orange accent wall in an all-white room, or for the whole house to be blinding white. This buyers are hard to please it would seem. As the person selling the home you have a decision to make. If you paint the exterior of the house while it is expensive, it will give you more people who are interested in your home. The inside is not as difficult to paint, and while it is totally up to you toning down the brights, lightening up the darks, and coloring up the whites might be just what your home needs to sell. 

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